Helper Scripts Collection 1.3.1
API documentation for the helper scripts compatible with Unity3D
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NikosAssets.Helpers.AlarmClockMono Class Reference

A helper class that emits OnAlarmUnityEvent and OnAlarm events using the TimingHelper if the time gets exceeded. More...

Public Attributes

AlarmUnityEvent OnAlarmUnityEvent = new AlarmUnityEvent()
TimingHelper timer = new TimingHelper(TimingHelper.TimerType.Seconds,
 The TimingHelper to check when the OnAlarmUnityEvent and OnAlarm events should be emitted

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnValidate ()
virtual void Start ()
virtual void Update ()


Action OnAlarm

Detailed Description

A helper class that emits OnAlarmUnityEvent and OnAlarm events using the TimingHelper if the time gets exceeded.