static List< T > | GetCompsSortedByDist< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
| Sorts the passed targets by distance checking against the checkAgainst Component. If you dont want to sort the original list, make a copy of it. More...
static T | GetCompAtMedianDist< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
| Get the Component that is closest to the median distance to checkAgainst . If you dont want to sort the original list, make a copy of it. More...
static T | GetCompAtAverageDist< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
| Get the Component that is approx at the average distance to checkAgainst relative to the other targets . The given list will not be sorted and remains unchanged. More...
static T | GetRandomComp< T > (List< T > targets) |
| Get a random Component from the given list More...
static float | GetDistSquaredSum< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
| Get the summed squared distance of the targets to the checkAgainst Component More...
static float | GetAverageDistSquared< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
| Get the average squared distance of the targets to the checkAgainst Component More...
static int | CompareTargetsByDistanceTo< T > (T a, T b, T checkAgainst) |
| A helper method to compare 2 Components against another one based on their distance to it More...
static T | CalcAverageComp< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
static float | CalcDistSquaredSum< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
static float | CalcAverageDistSquared< T > (List< T > targets, T checkAgainst) |
A helper class for Component targeting and list sorting by distance measures