Contains some helpful math operations for Vector3s and Quaternions (and other calculations as well)
static bool | GetAmountValidation (AmountFilter amountFilter, int amount) |
| A helper method useful to filter listviews for example More...
static float | GetMappedResult (float currentInput, float minInput, float maxInput, float minTarget, float maxTarget) |
| Map incoming input values to another value (with that you can keep the same ratio for different dimensions) More...
static bool | Approx (float a, float b, float approxBuffer) |
| A custom approx helper respecting a certain tolerance More...
static bool | RandomChanceSuccess01 (float chance01) |
| Returns true or false at a given chance More...
static Quaternion | LookAt (Vector3 startingPos, Vector3 targetPos, Vector3 eulerOffset) |
| Does the calculations to look at a given target More...
static Quaternion | ClampRotation (Quaternion q, Vector3 bounds) |
| Clamps the given quaternion rotation by the given Vector3 angles for each axis More...
static Quaternion | ClampRotation (Quaternion q, Vector2 boundsX, Vector2 boundsY, Vector2 boundsZ) |
| Clamps the given quaternion rotation by the given Vector2 minmax angles for each axis More...
static Quaternion | ConvertGlobalToLocalRotation (Quaternion globalRotationToConvert, Transform forTransform) |
| Converts the given global quat to a local one relative to the given forTransform More...
static void | CalculateTorqueRotationAlignment (Transform transform, Rigidbody rigidbody, Vector3 direction, float alignmentSpeed, float alignmentDamping) |
| Roly-poly like behaviour for a rigidbody More...
static float | DistanceSquared (Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
| More lightweight distance calculation than Unity's internal Vector3.Vector3.Distance calculation More...
static bool | IsInAreaDist (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector2 minMaxDistanceInclusive) |
| Is the distance between a and b (not squared) in the bounds of minMaxDistanceInclusive ? More...
static bool | IsInAreaDist (float dist, Vector2 minMaxDistanceInclusive) |
| Is the dist (not squared) in the bounds of minMaxDistanceInclusive ? More...
static bool | IsInAreaDistSquared (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector2 minMaxDistanceNotSquaredInclusive) |
| Is the distance between a and b (squared) in the bounds of minMaxDistanceNotSquaredInclusive ? More...
static bool | IsInAreaDistSquared (float distSquared, Vector2 minMaxDistanceNotSquaredInclusive) |
| Is the distSquared (squared) in the bounds of minMaxDistanceNotSquaredInclusive ? More...
static bool | IsInViewArea3D (Vector3 originPos, Vector3 originNormal, Vector3 targetPos, float maxAngle) |
| Checks if the (targetPos - originPos ) Vector3 direction is within the given maxAngle , taking the originNormal into account More...
static bool | IsInViewHorAndVertBounds (Transform origin, Vector3 targetPos, float verticalMaxAngle, float horizontalMaxAngle) |
| Checks if the targetPos is within the horizontal and vertical angle bounds of the origin (caster) More...
static Vector4 | Divide2Vectors (Vector4 dividend, Vector4 divisor) |
| Returns a Vector4 division for each value of the given vectors More...
static Vector3 | Divide2Vectors (Vector3 dividend, Vector3 divisor) |
| Returns a Vector3 division for each value of the given vectors More...
static Vector2 | Divide2Vectors (Vector2 dividend, Vector2 divisor) |
| Returns a Vector2 division for each value of the given vectors More...
static float | VectorFacingDotResult (Vector3 dir, Vector3 directionToCheck) |
Contains some helpful math operations for Vector3s and Quaternions (and other calculations as well)